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Jika sebelumnya saya pernah mempostingkan Friendcaster Pro for Facebook, sekarang saya share untuk versi twitter. Namanya TweetCaster Pro for Twitter. Wah, bagi pagi para tweety yang suka nge tweets, dan lain sebagainya di situs twitter ini, mungkin sudah sering menggunakannya atau mungkin lebih asyik dengan tampilan simpel ubersocial yang iklannya sangat lite, jadi tidak terlalu begitu mengganggu.
Nah, untuk tweetcaster ini, saya berikan versi pro kepada anda secara gratis dan cuma cuma. Jadi, buatlah tweet sepuasnya menggunakan aplikasi ini. Nyaman, mudah, simpel dan pastinya friendly to use. Kelebihannya bisa anda lihat dibawah ini:
Plus the most features:
* Facebook – Simultaneously post to Twitter and Facebook
* Multiple Twitter Accounts – Manage multiple Twitter accounts, post to both
* Schedule Tweets – Compose a tweet and schedule it to send later
* TweetMarker – Service that keeps your place in the timeline
* Read Later – Save long stories to Instapaper or Read It Later service
* Themes – Twelve themes to choose from
* Color Code Tweets – Choose a custom color for your Tweets and mentions
* Multiple widgets – Two different widgets allow you to bring TweetCaster to your home screen
* Advanced Retweeting – Retweet with or without comment
* Customization – Customize your visual theme, font size and notification frequency
* Long Tweets – Use Twitlonger service to tweet over 140 characters
* Replies and Conversation Threads – View all replies and conversations related to a tweet
* Who to Follow – Suggests people to follow
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TweetCaster Pro for Twitter [HaekalBlog - Mobile Apps Host]
Click here to download Size: 3,48 Mb
Nah, untuk tweetcaster ini, saya berikan versi pro kepada anda secara gratis dan cuma cuma. Jadi, buatlah tweet sepuasnya menggunakan aplikasi ini. Nyaman, mudah, simpel dan pastinya friendly to use. Kelebihannya bisa anda lihat dibawah ini:
Plus the most features:
* Facebook – Simultaneously post to Twitter and Facebook
* Multiple Twitter Accounts – Manage multiple Twitter accounts, post to both
* Schedule Tweets – Compose a tweet and schedule it to send later
* TweetMarker – Service that keeps your place in the timeline
* Read Later – Save long stories to Instapaper or Read It Later service
* Themes – Twelve themes to choose from
* Color Code Tweets – Choose a custom color for your Tweets and mentions
* Multiple widgets – Two different widgets allow you to bring TweetCaster to your home screen
* Advanced Retweeting – Retweet with or without comment
* Customization – Customize your visual theme, font size and notification frequency
* Long Tweets – Use Twitlonger service to tweet over 140 characters
* Replies and Conversation Threads – View all replies and conversations related to a tweet
* Who to Follow – Suggests people to follow
Langsung saja download..
TweetCaster Pro for Twitter [HaekalBlog - Mobile Apps Host]
Click here to download Size: 3,48 Mb